10 Essential Steps for Creating Content

Creating content is beyond writing or recording a video. There are essential steps you need to do behind the scenes to come up with engaging blog posts or video products.

Moreover, posting content on social media is not just for personal branding; nowadays, businesses also need content as a part of their marketing strategy.

Whether it is for personal or business purposes, creating compelling content is very necessary.

Before revealing the steps for creating content, check out the four types of content that you need to know below.

Content Types

Attraction content

Like its name, an attraction content aims to attract people to read or watch your content.

The goal is to get as many eyeballs as possible to increase the site’s traffic.

Authority content

Authority content refers to posts that you make exclusively to your site.

This means that if other sites want to cite information from yours, they have to give attribution.

Affinity content

Affinity content is more than attraction and authority. It’s a piece of content that resonates the same emotion with your readers.

In other words, you develop connections with your audiences by showing that you care about them through your content.

Action content

Action content also has a definite purpose for the audience: to take action.

This type of content is shared among marketers, who make content to turn audiences into customers. Thus, make sure your content targets the right audiences by leveraging a media database.

10 Essential Steps for Creating Content That Matters

If you plan to make blog posts, video content, or advertising content that intend to engage and reach new audiences, check out the ten essential steps for creating content below.

  1. Identify the pain points
  2. Choose a tempting topics
  3. Evaluate the current competition
  4. Determine your deliberate difference
  5. Brainstorm your irresistible headline
  6. Conduct your essential research
  7. Plan your main points
  8. Craft your epic content
  9. Polish before you publish
  10. Promote your published content


Those ten steps mentioned above are constructive for creating high-quality content for any purpose.

See the infographic below to learn more about each of them.

Infographic for 10 Essential Steps for Creating Content

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