BrandFan Facts You Need to Know

Have you ever loved a brand so much that you couldn’t stop talking about it? We’ve been there before and dub these so-called fans “brand fans.” Brand fans purchase and make recommendations to their friends and family members

What Are The Top Reasons People Become Brand Fans?

People become brand fans for a number of reasons. Many are current customers that continue to purchase from the brand. A large number of people become fans due to special offers or deals. Entertaining content can also influence people to become brand fans. So, it’s important for brands to invest in content marketing and advertising.

Facebook Twitter
Current customer 32.9% 23.5%
Special offer/deals 36.9% 42.5%
Friend are fans of the brand 6.2% 6.3%
Interesting or entertaining content 18.2% 22.7%
Service, support, or product news 5% 3.5%
Other 0.7% 0.7%

How Many Brands Do They Follow On Facebook?

12.01% 1

53.47% 2-6

21.2% 5-10

13.32% 10+

Purchase and Recommendation Behavior of Brand Fans

Brand fans are engaged consumers. They won’t need to think a lot before making a purchase from a brand they love. When a person loves a brand, they will go out of their way to get a product from that specific brand.


Never Sometimes Usually Always
Consider the brand when

in the market for the product

2 34.41 40.90 22.69
Buy the product or

service from the brand

2.99 36.66 42.89 17.46
Recommend the

brand to others

3.99 33.92 39.15 22.94


Never Sometimes Usually Always
Consider the brand when

in the market for the product

1.96 26.67 47.75 23.62
Buy the product or

service from the brand

3.14 31.37 45.88 19.61
Recommend the

brand to others

2.75 30.9 35.86 29.41

An Overwhelming Majority Are Influenced by Their Online Experience

Having a memorable online experience can also influence people to become fans of brands.

23.6% downloaded a branded app on their mobile device

70% participated in a brand-sponsored contest or sweepstakes

24% produced content in order to participate in a contest held by a brand

Has an online experience ever influenced whether or not you bought a product/service from a brand? YES 97.09%/ NO 2.919%

Top 5 Most Popular Consumer Brands on Facebook and Twitter

Fan (facebook) Follower (twitter)
Coca-Cola 41,714,101 534,840
Converse 30,0640368 N/A
Starbucks 29,953,462 2,450,618
Red Bull 28,042,534 607,587
Oreo 26,276,634 40,361


Infographic for BrandFan Facts You Need to Know

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