Can You Save America’s Economy?

As millennials become the largest generation group in America, they can be a great support to saving the country’s economy.

There are more than 72.9 million of the millennial population in the US. The number has surpassed the Baby Boomers as the biggest group before.

However, saving America’s economy is not as simple as buying “American Made” products or buying from the locals.

Before diving deeper into how to save America’s economy, let’s look at some important points below.

The Problem

The economy is like a river, and your purchases affect the stream. 

Reckless purchase decisions will affect the economy negatively, including lowering job opportunities and average wages.

Each purchase you make will impact the national economy, but that also depends on several factors, such as:

  • Labor
  • Overhead
  • Machinery
  • Logistics
  • Taxes

What’s even surprising is that buying “American or local made” isn’t the exact answer to help save the country’s economy.

No third party verifies and quantifies the “Made in America” or “Local” marketing campaigns.

The Solution

What will be the best solution if buying local manufacturing products is not the best answer?

One of the most helpful things you can do is to purchase high-impact products.

High-impact products refer to those products which have excellent ratings. Here are some points you need to know about ratings

  1. A rating on a five-star scale indicates how much of the product’s price tag is being captured in an area.
  2. Ratings are available for several geographic categories: America, Regional, State-wide, and select cities.
  3. You can find the rating on the certification mark on a package, signage, or advertising.

Economic impact ratings will give you:

  • Third-party verification
  • Fastest and most trusted way to identify American Made and local products
  • Allows consumers to compare products and their impacts


When you buy high-impact products, you also take part in helping your country’s economy. Therefore, it’s essential to make a wise choice by purchasing goods with high-rating. Learn more about saving America’s economy in the following infographic.

Keen to learn learn about sharing economy? we have an infographic for that as well!

Infographic for Can You Save America's Economy?

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