How Our Infographic Increases HuffPost Readers’ Happiness

Everyone wants to be happy and live a stress-free life.

Well, who doesn’t?

Our regular client, Happify, is dedicated to help people do this by having fun activities, regular exercises and games. They continuously research the best way to help people be happier.

One of the researches they did is how happiness correlate with your health and physical well-being.

Happify understands that the best way to spread the information that they had researched is the Internet. And to get this done, they need to get viral distribution, and they decided that infographic is the best way to deliver information in an engaging visual display.

Happify has been diligently working with us to produce infographics in a consistent and periodical basis. It’s just a matter of time before any infographic that they posted online goes viral.

One of the infographic that we have made for them is “How To Beat Stress and Boost Happiness”. It’s been around a year when we found this infographic got reviewed by HuffPost.

HuffPost Screenshot

This one was successfully gaining traction since there are 1.3K likes and 478 shares on Facebook, with the additional 299 shares on Twitter.

We’ll share more stories on other infographics that we have made in the near future, but we can’t wait for you to be part of our success story.

Let’s share more happiness 🙂
Happify Beat The Stress Infographic