Static vs Interactive Infographic

An Infographic is a new way to deliver information comprehensively and interestingly. Typically, an infographic has attractive visuals such as illustrations and typography.

Not just compelling visuals, an infographic only includes essential information, so readers understand the message immediately.

There are two types of infographics, which are static and interactive. How are these two different from each other?

Let’s take a look at the explanation below.


The significant difference between static and interactive infographics lies in their format.

A static infographic is a picture format information carrier. It is based on picture editing and possibly a digital drawing.

This type of infographic is suitable for delivering precise information.

Conversely, an interactive infographic is based on HTML5 markup language and customizable with animation, user interaction, and sound.

The format of an interactive infographic is a website page. Thus you can fill it with detailed and profound information.

Head-to-Head Comparison

Both static and interactive infographics hold the exact purpose of delivering information and messages.

However, they have distinguishable features that are comparable to one another.

Static infographic

  • In the form of a picture
  • Carry a small amount of information
  • Suitable for simplified graphic design and content organizing
  • Displayed as 2-dimensional data

A static infographic’s advantages are affordable and require less time to make. However, the data needs to be modified manually.

Interactive infographic

  • In the form of a website page
  • More complicated designs and organizing are applicable
  • Carry a relatively large amount of information
  • Animated and interactive information

Moreover, an interactive infographic is more flexible to edit and update in real-time. However, compared to a static infographic, it requires more cost and time to make.

Embeddability and Shareability

The point of creating an infographic is to inform and educate people, so it is vital to expose the infographic to as many people as possible.

Therefore, the infographic should be embeddable and shareable. But which one is easier to embed and share?

A static infographic is embeddable in almost every website because it has an image format.

Moreover, readers can easily copy-paste the link or download the file.

On the contrary, the easiest way to embed an interactive infographic is by copying and sharing the direct link.

It is not downloadable and printable and has limited shareability.

When to use which?

Utilize a static infographic if you want to deliver simple information, have a limited budget, and your audiences prefer simple and practical reading materials.

However, use an interactive infographic when you have a vast range of information and enough budget. Also, ensure that you have audiences who prefer an interactive experience rather than a static one.


Both types of infographics have their pros and cons. Nevertheless, they can both deliver information and engage readers to understand more comprehensively.

Understand your materials and prepare your budget before deciding which infographic type will be best suited for your audience. Check out more detailed information in the infographic below.

Infographic for Static vs Interactive Infographic

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