Behind a Happy Relationship – An Infographic

The science behind a happy relationship is more than pure love itself. You need to make extra effort to maintain positive vibes between you and your partner.

Moreover, happy and unhappy couples show different reactions when they face problems. Wrong turns during a fight can lead to more severe conditions.

There are scientifically proven ways to keep harmonious relationships. Those can be your inspirations when you feel unmotivated with your marriage life.

Cultivate Positive Interactions Every Day

You can improve happiness by doing these simple actions below:

  • Give compliments
  • Show appreciation for something big or small
  • Relive a fun memory
  • Do something nice for your significant other

In the Bedroom

Good times can happen everywhere, including in the bedroom. It’s the most intimate place for couples.

Make time for intimacy.

Maintaining a happy relationship can occur in the bedroom. You can create conversations by sharing stories. Also, the happiest couples have sex two to three times a week.

More sex = More joy

Based on a study, people are 55% more likely to report higher happiness levels when they have sex every few days.

The once-a-week boost

Always make time for your partner. Couples are 44% more likely to have a positive feeling when they have sex once a week.

How Do You Respond to Triumphs

One of the main factors for maintaining happy relationships is giving appreciation to your partner. Celebrating your partner’s good news will make them happy and less likely to get depressed.

Here are some recommendations to respond to your partner’s triumphs.

  • Show enthusiasm
  • Ask questions
  • Congratulate them
  • Relive the experience with them 

Sharing New Experiences

Couples can also improve their intimacy outside the house by sharing an experience. Trying something new together will enhance trust in each other. Some activities that are worth trying are:

  • Go for an evening walk
  • Dine at a new restaurant
  • Explore a place you’ve never been
  • Cook together
  • Go to a concert

What’s Your Fighting Style?

Happy and unhappy couples have different reactions when they fight. Let’s take a look at some points below.

How happy couples react when they fight

  • Show humor
  • Express affection
  • Conceding on specific points their partner makes

How unhappy couples react when they fight

  • Criticize
  • Show contempt
  • Roll their eyes
  • Act defensively
  • Resort to name-calling
  • Tune out

Marriage and Your Happiness

A 20-year British study reveals that people who are happiest with marriage have the following characteristics:

  • Have been married five years or less
  • Don’t have children
  • Have a college degree
  • The man is employed

Also, try to implement positive thinking to each other consistently. It can help couples to have a happy future together.


More than pure love itself, maintaining a happy relationship requires more effort. Always spend time with each other where you can talk and create beautiful memories.

Another factor that can affect couples’ happiness is kids. Each parent may react differently after having a child. Let’s learn more about the science behind happy couples through the following infographic.

Infographic for Behind a Happy Relationship - An Infographic

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