How Electronics Affect Sleep

Generally speaking, 70% of adults and 50% of teenagers suffer from insufficient sleep. Recently, research from the National Foundation reports that 95% of people use their devices before they sleep. 

Other than harming our biological clocks, infrared from electronics can also cause radiation, which affects your circadian rhythms and your sleep schedule.. 

How can you protect your biological clocks?

Minimize your light exposure

Melatonin production begins at 2-4 a.m then slowly decreases when the sun comes up. Using electronics in the dark can affect your sleeping patterns. 

When the brain sees the light from a device, it receives the light as a signal that it’s already morning when it’s actually not. Due to this, you might end up waking up often at night. 

Watching a Movie

It’s better to avoid doing physical activities like running or vigorous exercise that could boost your adrenaline. Exercise is best done in the morning since it gives your body a boost of energy. Doing it at night, right before bed will keep you up and awake. 

Instead, stick to familiar content like your favorite TV show or movie. Watching news or scrolling on social media can induce anxiety and will prevent you from hitting the hay. So, stay away from your social media feeds and watch an episode or two of a TV show of your choice. 

Turn Off Your Notifications

Notifications or alarms could promote a higher level of energy or activity because you are missing out on work or an important deadline. 


Developing a good and healthy routine is not difficult, but you need to be precise and stick to it. Other than keeping your phones away during bedtime, you should also avoid watching television before bedtime to cultivate a better sleeping schedule. 

Want to find out more about healthy bed routines? Check out the infographic below for more information and insight.

Infographic for How Electronics Affect Sleep

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